

  1. A generalised deep learning-based surrogate model for homogenisation utilising material property encoding and physics-based bounds
    Rajesh Nakka, Dineshkumar Harursampath, and Sathiskumar A Ponnusami
    Scientific Reports, Jun 2023
  2. Influence of fibre cross-section profile on the multi-physical properties of uni-directional composites
    Rajesh Nakka, A. Phanendra Kumar, Dineshkumar Harursampath, and Sathiskumar A. Ponnusami
    Composite Structures, Oct 2023
  3. Computational evaluation of absorption characteristics of ceramic-based auxetic materials in X-band frequency range
    A Phanendra Kumar, Rajesh Nakka, Dineshkumar Harursampath, and Sathiskumar A Ponnusami
    Smart Materials and Structures, Sep 2023


  1. A computationally efficient approach for generating RVEs of various inclusion/fibre shapes
    Rajesh Nakka, Dineshkumar Harursampath, Mehtab Pathan, and Sathiskumar A. Ponnusami
    Composite Structures, Jul 2022